hillbunkerfarms@gmail.com | 630-263-1107

Goodbye sweet Georgia

It has been a difficult week here at HillBunker Farms. On Saturday March 30th we moved our sow, Georgia, into her farrowing quarters in the barn in anticipation of piglets arriving any time after the 31st. Georgia usually shows all signs of impending labor but historically made us wait days, sometimes weeks, after the expected date to deliver. Much to our surprise she went into labor Sunday evening 3/31. Normally her labor is relatively quick and easy but she seemed to struggle with each contraction and the piglets weren't arriving quite as quickly as they normally do for her. We monitored her closely but her labor progressed and she finally delivered the last of 10 healthy piglets. Shortly after she began to have complications - a massive rectal prolapse. We consulted with our vet who informed us nothing could be done and she was euthanized.

Georgia was more than just a breeding pig to us, she was a smart, gentle, and patient pet with a surprising sense of humor that always made us giggle. She was a part of our family since she was 8 weeks old and we feel her absence greatly. Saying goodbye is never easy and this is no exception. We will miss sweet Georgia more than we can describe.

Georgia's tiny piglets have taken up residence with us in the house which has been challenging. 10 hungry mouths can be pretty demanding. They are growing and flourishing and we will continue to care for Georgia's little ones as if they were our own. Updates on the piglets will be coming soon.

1 comment

  • I’m so incredibly sorry about Georgia. I also wish I lived closer to help you with those piglets. I hand raised 2 American guinea hog piglets last year after their Mom stopped lactating and their siblings died. They lived in my laundry room and back yard, here in the Chicago Western Suburbs for4 weeks till I could get them to stabilize their core body temps & learn to eat on their own and they returned to their farm. It was the most delightful experience of my life and taught me what incredibly sweet and smart creatures pigs are. But I remember those long days and nights of bottle feeding! You’ve got full hands! My husband and I live about 90 minutes from you but if you need help on a weekend with those babies we will volunteer a shift of feeding and cleaning and drive up! I’m serious. I go over to Soulful Prairies often so we love Woodstock! I’m sorry for your loss and know Georgia is looking down pleased her babes are in loving hands. Thank you for giving them what they need. Shannon B. in Aurora

    Shannon Barry

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